Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Being Five

You go to Soccer practice and learn how to play the game and be "cool".

Then Noni comes to visit and shows you and Bro how to plant pumpkin seeds to make little plants to put in the garden.

Then Mommy and Daddy throw you a big party with all your friends, at the local kid gym. You get to jump, climb, fall into foam blocks , bounce, hang upside down and then...,
have everyone sing Happy Birthday to you..., and blow out candles...,
and feel so happy inside that you can hardly wait to be six..., next year.
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  1. Looks like a great party, FarmLady! What fun you were there too

  2. Awww.. Oh to be 5 again! What a wonderous time in your life!
    Bean difinitely has the "standing around looking cool" thing down pat, doesn't he?

  3. I can see that Noni had a wonderful visit with her grandsons. Isn't it great! Seth came to spend the day with us while his mama went Easter Bunny shopping. I am always amazed in the changes in our little ones just from week to week. Seth is a real joy.

    I am glad you are back... I bet You have a household glad that you are home too.

  4. I love 5 year olds they are toooooo cute! Your header looks great!

  5. Sounds like you had a great weekend!!

    I don't have children - but I have 5 nieces and nephews - now aged 13, 9, 5, 3 & 1 ! I don't see them enough as thay all live quite a way from me, but when I do I just want to kiss and cuddle them non stop!!! God only knows what I'd be like if I had my own children!

    I had a dream once that I had a baby boy - and I held him from 6 days old to 6 years old without ever putting him down once! Towards the end of the dream a black figure appeared to hurt my son - I vowed that if it came near I would kill it - so strong was my protection of this little one. I woke up still in this position and felt like I was still holding him.

    I grieved for that whole day afterwards! Friends said that maybe it had been a past life. Years on, I still think of that dream. I would call him Reuben.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures - Alan x

  6. It is so great that you can spend that time with them - good for them and good for you, too :)
    It looks like it was a great visit!

  7. So Noni is a boy, not a plant!!!!

    In New Zealand, kids start school at 5. In the past, when my daughter 26, turned 5, she went to school that very day. Now, it's changed to two batches a year. Much easier for the teacher.

    Thanks for following.


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