The term Internet meme (pronounced /miːm/) is a new word used to describe a catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person via the Internet.
I have been tagged (that's internet talk for chosen.) by Laura ~peach~ from Georgia ( to do this and pass it on.
The rules of this Meme are: 1. Go to the fourth folder on your computer where you store photos. @. Select your fourth picture (no exceptions). 3. Post the picture with a story and a link to the person who tagged you. 4. Tag 4 people to do the same.
Well Laura, this is not a photo that I would have choosen to place on one of my post and talk about because I didn't think it was a very good photo and I really didn't think anyone would be interested in one of my querky habits...., which would be going outside late at night and taking pictures. I always let the dogs out with me. I'm not so sure that they would protect me from dangerous monsters, but they would probably bark and then I could, at least, try to run back inside the house. So far I have never had any scary moments, except the time that I scared myself by setting off the automatic lights above the garage with my movements. I almost had a heart attack. Sometimes you can be so startled by something, that you know is there, but scares you anyway.
This photo was taken very late one night. The dogs wanted out. I realized there was a lot of natural light out there and I decided to take the camera and see if I could get any "full moon" photos. I put the camera setting on fast action because it opens the shutter longer and I took about 4 0r 5 pictures. This one was the most interesting, so I'm glad it was the 4th photo, because the feeling of it is rather ethereal. The dying Mexican Sage and the tall Italian Cypress are like ghosts against the pitch black spread of darkness behind them. The small windmill seems larger against the black background.
It was quiet, except for the jingle of one of the dog's collars. The camera shows darkness but I could see up into the hillside and there were small flashes of light that would come and go. These are the deer's eyes moving cautiously above the road, waiting for the human interloper to leave; to go back into it's own place. At night it is their world and , as always, I am the intruder. They watch and listen and they quietly wait for what they fear to retreat.
How I wish I could be apart of their world for one night. Seeing what they see. Hearing what they so quietly listen for...., to understand, more, what these creatures are like. There is always this overwhelming urge to walk out into the hills at night, especially when there is a full moon.I'm always drawn to the darkness behind the light. I always have been.
This is where I'm suppose to tagged 4 other people to pick their picture and tell a story about. I would love to send this to Carol in Sacramento and Donna in Montana because they appreciate photography so much and would have something to say about their photos but, alas, they are not Bloggers and I can't "tag" them.
So..., I will pick Jan of Little pink Houses ( just because I like to bug her and Nina at Ornamental ( Although Nina is always very busy with her beautiful jewelry I would love to see what she would write about the 4th photo. That's it..., because I just don't know who else would want to do this. If anyone would like to be "tagged"..., Your it. Let me know if you do.