Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, December 14, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It's official! Christmas has arrived at Three Dog Farm. Not everything is in it's place and I'm finding that the old adage of "Less is more" seems to sound better every year. So, as I try to honor the holidays after a long and sometimes heavy hearted year, I have decorated the house with the things that make us feel happy. Not an over abundance but a collection of decorations that have meaning and memories. I think it all looks very pretty and thought I would share some of it with you.

The Tree is a bit disappointing this year. I decided to buy a four foot artificial tree that was very inexpensive at Wal Mart. It had clear lights that were already attached and I thought that a small tree on a table would avoid "Pupster" damage, if you know what I mean.
This is probably the most "Charlie Brown" tree we have every had. It's not very straight and the top seems different than the bottom. (There were two pieces that you had to put together). It looks OK, now, that I have ornaments on it but I think I need a garland or some pretty bulbs to spiff it up a bit. I will work on it.
When I went back to Wal Mart the other day and bought the tree, I passed those blue lights again. The ones I didn't buy the first time. Well, guess what. I couldn't pass them up again.
I guess it's going to be a "blue" Christmas without you Mom..., because I put them on the Christmas tree and outside on the Mock Orange near the porch. They are really very beautiful. They reminded me of you. I hope you can see them.

This is my little Birthday Boy.

Tomorrow will be Baby Bean's 3rd. Birthday. We had a celebration on Saturday at a place called MY GYM in Elk Grove. I took lots of pictures..., imagine that. I will post some photos tomorrow .
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  1. Loved your post today. Now days it is hard to decide on holiday decorations, as there are so many. All very pretty and your little fellow is adorable. Happy to have you visit.

  2. Your decorations are very nice. Happy birthday to baby Bean. He is adorable. Have a great evening. Madeline

  3. Merry Christmas! The bean is growing up! Your decorations look pretty!

  4. I'm going with the less is more theory this year too. Just a few things here and there that have special meaning to me. So far I haven't bought much as far as decorating goes but that will probably change as I get out a little more this weekend. Your decorations are lovely and I have a feeling that where ever "mom" is, she can feel it too...jj

  5. Christmas was hard when I lost my grandmother (our whole family is together at Christmas). But my worst Christmas ever was in Iraq. I had no family with me, and it was the first Christmas I had ever spent away from my family. I was so depressed. But I have family this year, and you have Bean! Have a blessed Christmas, Dear.

  6. Thanks for sharing. It DOES look beautiful. I still have Thanksgiving on display here!


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