Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Help! We've been taken hostage by a 5 year old...

Our oldest grandson, the Bean, is here. He's five years old. Brought him back on Thursday. Haven't stopped moving since. He goes home tomorrow. Can't talk right now. Very busy.  More later.
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  1. And you love every minute too! Have fun...everything can wait. He's top priority :)

  2. Enjoy your time with your grandson. I know at his age he keeps you busy. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Have a blessed evening. Madeline

  3. They can keep you busy, that is for sure. Enjoy, as they grow up so fast.


  4. The bean is such a big boy! Whew, I'm worn out just looking at the photos.

  5. You need to be reminded every now and then how important it is to keep in some semblance of shape to keep up with the Bean... and the baby Bean will be working you out right behind the Bean... I know you are loving it when you do get a chance to catch your breath... You go, Grandma!!!

  6. Ibuprofin today for a happier tomorrow!

  7. Sounds like a lot of fun to me....and tired nights too!

  8. Awww, it looks to me like you are having as much, if not more, fun as he is!
    Enjoy - he looks SO sweet. :-)


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