Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bless you Firefox; I did it without you

Sometimes I'm a little overwhelmed by friend's thoughtfulness. In the course of their everyday lives, filled with busy living, problems and their own maintaining of some kind of balance; they leave a message and say, "Hey, I'm sending you something I thought you would like."

Jan Ely of Little Pink Houses took a trip back to see her sister in the southern states. She was in Louisiana and New Orleans. While she was there she sent me a baby gourd that rattles. It's the cutest little gourd you ever saw. It's completely dry and has lots of seeds in it. I'm not sure if I will decorate it as is, or make a hole in it and retrieve the seeds so I can try to plant more of these cute little guys. I will do a post on it when I decide what to do. Thanks Jan. With all your coming and going... this was very sweet that you sent me a gourd.
Then I received a package from Helen, the Reddirt Woman from Oklahoma. She sent Guniea Hen feathers for The Bean and I. They are really beautiful. I had no idea what a Guniea Fowl looked like so I "googled" this bird and learned something new. They are meat fowl and provide an excellent income for some breeders. They are plump little birds( I like them already!) and have these amazingly beautiful feathers.

Wait until The Bean (my oldest grandson) sees these. He will probably want to hang them on the wall over his bed or paint with them. He will be 5 yrs. old on Friday. I will take some to him for his birthday. Thank you Helen. You're a sweetie.

My friend "C", who had the knee replacement a few weeks back, is really doing well. In fact she is coming up to see us tomorrow. Her daughter is here again for a while so they are going to drive up and see the beautiful spring foothills..., and the PUPPIES.., and us...., and the PUPPIES. So, to thank me for keeping her company during her recuperation and because we watched a PBS program on Dolly Madison and I said I was sorely lacking in my American history facts, she sent me a wonderful book on called A People's History of the United States..., and a new Aerolatte frother for my lattes. Oh, yes! She had one of these at her house and I went crazy for it. It makes the best foam for lattes ..ever.

The Howard Zinn book is really great. It makes HISTORY very interesting and keeps me turning the pages, which is sometimes hard to do. All of this was not necessary but, gosh darn girl, it sure was nice of you.

Then, as if this giving would never end, I get a package from my Uncle, in Susanville. He sent The Prospector and I some packs of seeds that he dried from last year: Some Zucchini seed that he has dried every year for a very long time. They were growing on the ranch, in Napa, where he and my Mom grew up. Also a package of Roma pole beans from the ranch. Can you imagine?.., propagating seeds for over 70 or 80 years, or more. He also sent instructions and a small packet of sun gold cherry tomatos. Wow! We are set for the summer.
I went up to visit him a few years ago and you should see his garden. It's big and beautiful..., and all natural. He's 85 and he does all the work himself. I think I will see him this summer. My cousin, who lives in the Bay Area, and I are planning a trip up there. I haven't seen him since Mom's funeral and it's time for a visit.
Thanks Uncle Jimmy. See you soon.

So you can see why I'm a bit overwhelmed. I just don't get things in the mail a lot but this has been a banner week or two.
The last photo collage was added because these are three things that I'm also thankful for. I not sure who to thank.., Nature? God? Our knowledge of how to live within the constructs of our life here?..., or just the existence of small creatures that do great and wonderful things here on Three Dog Farm. Whomever it is that I should thank... I'm, again, overwhelmed. I am in a constant state of joy for all the good in my life. Whether it's the first Ladybug that has came to eat the aphid on the roses, or the worms that made my household leftovers into "black gold" for our garden, or the sleepy puppy that has found a happy, trusting home with us and will never be hurt again..., I am touched by the caring people in my life and the beauty of my existence.
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  1. Oh you sweet lady, I can hear the gratefullness in your post. We are surrounded by beauty every day...you just didn't have to look! How thoughful..;p

  2. awh I'm happy for you. The seeds sound wonderful! That is my favorite kind of gift--something for the garden. The puppy pic is so cute he is very very happy already--that is a lot of joy.

  3. No doubt, you have been a really good person to receive all these goodies. You are very blessed to have people like that in your life. Enjoyed your writeup and pleased you had time to visit me today.

  4. Oh Yes...all creatures great and small! What wonderful gifts. Thankyou for your link to the interpretation of The Breman Town Musicians...I never really thought about it that way! Cheers farmlady.

  5. Oh how wonderful for you, love you new found blog, I know how it feels to get a little something that keeps you in touch with home, I live in the South now, been here since early 70
    love it, but miss some of the things I grew up with, like those Pussy Willows you have up there, have not seen them in years, hugs and have a great day, Barbara

  6. I hope you get those seeds and plant them, then you can have lots of those gourds to make into something! You must be a special person to be in the thoughts of so many people!

  7. Wow, those feathers are amazing! Beautiful. Can't wait to see you and sissy! We will have too much fun girls. Take care Connie. Hugs, Riki

  8. One of the reasons we love our three guineas is they are great bug eaters... you can let them in the garden and they will not bother the plants but will go after the bugs with a vengeance. They also eat ticks and fleas so in the country where these bugs are a common nuisance especially to those of us with dogs and/or cats and we who enjoy working outside in their gardens, they are wonderful to have around. We are planning on getting some more to go with the three we have that are full grown so if you need more feathers, let me know.

    I'll look forward to The Bean's reaction.


  9. SEEDS FROM THE NAPA RANCH!-----what a special gift. It put a great big lump in my throat. As if it's not enough that you thought about me during Dandelion Days, now I'm going to ask you to send me a loaf of zucchini bread. That will be a double treat!!
    My thanks to you and your blog and to your friend "C" for turning me on to the book, "The History of The U.S." I, too, am lacking in knowledge but find learning our history VERY interesting. This book has received GREAT reviews so I just purchased a copy for myself. Can hardly wait to start reading!! ~ Dawn

  10. Oh I love this post! Hey I fixed the site now, I forgot to take off private, lol, sorry!

    I miss coming over here, I need to catch up!

  11. Hi Sis, I just read your blog and it was wonderful! You absolutely deserved all the gifts you got. Were not always rewarded for the good we do. And seldom expect it. But when you do get some it is like sunshine on your heart. I think I felt a little of the glow just reading your blog today. I'm so lucky your my sister.


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