Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Well... look who posted. Amazing.... but I'm back.
It's November and I just returned from a visit with my sister and my grandchildren.
I always do too much. I eat too much... and I get too tired... but I love going down there and I always have a good time.
This is what my Sister's house looks like. Halloween is her favorite holiday. These are some of the photos from her decorations and spooky corners of her house.

A small table with all the gifts I have made for her over the years..

The pin, made from a piece of gourd...

The dead storybook reconstructed doll...

The happy little "Boo." gourd...

... and the ugly, burnt face mask with a zippered scar and flaming eyes.
  Got a little bit carried away with this one.

This year I did a collage with a story about witches and the ghosts of the woman who were burned for being witches back in the early days of intolerance and religious zeal... oh, I guess that kind of behavior is still going on... but we don't burn them now, we just fry them on Facebook and boycott Halloween.

I always have a relaxing time at my sister's. I have a comfortable bed upstairs and a safe, warm place to stay... with really good food and I always feel welcome.
 On my  behalf... I did save the quiche a few nights ago by making a homemade crust for the pie... because someone left the frozen pie crust in the microwave too long. We won't mention any names... right sis?
 Good old Joy of Cooking cookbook. It has all the basics. I still know how to make a pie dough from scratch. All is not lost on this old lady's skills. The quiche was delicious. It was a great joint effort.

This is my sister and her dog, Stella, a German Short hair. She's trying to tell Sis that she has been on the computer too long and it's time for a walk. 
She's trying to get some eye to eye contact.
 It finally worked.


  1. Oh I wish that I had a sister. Yours has a beautiful home and she still gets into the spirit of the season. Glad to hear from you. Me? I watched the kids last week and I'm paying for it with one nasty virus

  2. Your sisters Halloween decorations are terrific. Glad you had a good time and that you are home safe and sound. Have a blessed day. Madeline

  3. I forget how long it's been since you've blogged because of seeing you on FB! This is a much more satisfying venue, though. ;-)

  4. Ahoy! Nice to see you doing a post once in a while...I'm guilty too but still trying once in a while. You should join the photo scavenger hunt I just joined on 'I Live I Love I Craft blog. Its fun and you can use old and new photos.
    I find it interesting how many people say that Halloween is their favourite 'holiday'. I never think of it that way but good to see those crazy pagan rituals still being celebrated!! All of your makings are a treasure. it's apparent how much your sister knows what you put into them and how special that she displays them in your honour!

  5. Yep. Been spending all your time on FB! Good to see you here as well :) Those are some fabulous decorations!! Downright scary! I'm sure a lot of effort was put into all of it. You are so blessed to have a Sister! Glad you had a comfortable and enjoyable time, hon :)

  6. I hope you and yours had a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and are having a very HAPPY NEW YEAR. May we display your header on our new site directory, SiteHoundSniffs.com? As it is now, the site title (linked back to its home page) is listed, and we think displaying the linked header will attract more attention.


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