Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wordless Wednesday: "Don't even think about it Annie."


  1. Great photos, love the cat's expression in the last photo.

  2. I love the "busted" look on her face. LOL!

  3. Our old cat Paddy used to do this to the chickens...when I would confront him about it, he would answer back with one of those "I was just LOOKING!" kind of stares.
    By the way the sequoia tree in the park is only about 100 years old...quite young for that tree, being that it could live another thousand years!! Ciao Connie.

  4. Smart kitty. Better to look than touch.

  5. body language gives them away all the time.....
    naughty kitty thoughts
    or is it kitty naughty thoughts

  6. Great photos. Hope Annie looked but did not touch. Have a blessed evening. Madeline

  7. hehe chicken for dinner? smiles....my cat would have a hard time resisting...

  8. But Mom what a lovely balanced meal, every color in the food pyramid! She was SO tempted Farmlady!
    Do they lay all different colored eggs like my CO. friend Gale, her hens lay turquoise, greens & lovely browns.

  9. Love this. Cats are so wonderful. My corgi Robbi has shown up in a few of my blogs. He is a brat, 8 years old. We never trained him very well and he gets so exited when people come over and jumps on them and won't leave them alone. Also isn't fixed and runs off to the neighbors pretty much any chance he gets. Otherwise, love him to pieces! Love T

  10. My word I can't believe what happens in peoples lives when I am off trying to get mine back in order. I am so with you about heat. I hate heat and I hate snakes worse! I like to plan A pool and i want one too. I just stick my head under the hose to cool off. I decided to catch up blogging today and that means my work is going to happen in 90 degree heat with a whole lot of sweat. You are feeling the love now aren't you.


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