Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Avlia Beach, California

... and yes, I did walk all the way out to the end of the pier and back. I'm getting much braver about these things, even though I was praying to the God of natural disasters the whole time: Praying that we would not have a major earthquake or any another kind of geological upheavel while Sis and I were out there. The Gods were listening....
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  1. What an interesting photo of the view back to the shore, with all the buildings.

  2. If I got a print of "No Overhead Casting - Avila Beach" from you, you would be required to give me no Christmas or Birthday presents for the next 10 years.

    That's how much I love it.

    10 years. No presents.

  3. The "No Overhead Casting" shot should be a postcard! Classic. I love the ocean. It looks so serene in these photos.

  4. Oh hubby would see 'great fishing' sign somewhere in his head in these photos! Wow, I would walk out and just be at peace listening to the ocean and think of what beauties he has shared with us, and how lucky we are!

    Love the hokie pokie chicken dance! That made me laugh!

  5. Hey, I'd take Anonymous up on that offer... a great bargain, I'd say. Beautiful place! Great pics.

  6. Wouldn't that have been fun to walk out there during the hail storm? Ha ha. Glad you got to see Avila, its beautiful. Hugs, Riki

  7. Wow you took a walk on the wild side!


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