Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brownie has Something to Say

It has come to my attention, here on Three Dog Farm, that out there in Blogland are a lot of folks who look at Blogs but never comment. These people are referred to as "Lurkers". They even call themselves lurkers and I have been choosen to say a few words about this.

The other goats and I work very hard, all day. We have bushes to eat and grass to clear. This is our job and sometimes it's thankless, but we do it anyway because we are goats and this is what we do. When we do a good job, we like a special treat or, at the very least, a pet on the head. When we do a good job and no one says anything, we feel like no one cares about what we do and that's not a very good feeling.
So the next time we do something that you think is especially wonderful, leave us a note on Farmlady's blog. We love comments about what we do here. You don't have to leave us a message everyday. We understand how busy your lives get and we don't expect you to drop everything for a few old goats, but once in a while, when you have a moment and like what you see, send us a comment. Tell us what you think. Dont lurk in the shadows. Share the goatyard with us and bring us a cracker. We will answer any questions you have and we will be much happier goats. Thank you.

P.S. Farmlady wants to thank Janette at Ground Level in Kansas for a blog award. Jannette is a reformed lurker. Farmlady said that she will write about the award tomarrow. We also want to thank all our loyal readers who do make comments about us. Farmlady says that you "make her day".
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  1. Hey Brownie,

    You look very handsome in that photo. Will you please let Farm Lady know that I think she does some fabtabulous work on this blog of hers and when I don't leave a comment its usually because she has left me speechless.

    I realize that this post was not directed at me. I know there are times when I have probably said too much ;-)

  2. Well Brownie I am going to tell you a secret.... "Famledy makes my day too, but don't tell her that. You know how humans are. Her head might swell up so much that she won't be able to get it through the door of your house."

    BTW, you did a wonderful job on this post Brownie. You are a very gifted ittle guy.

  3. So Brownie has farmlady shared her grits with you guys? I know georgia goats love things like that! Tell farmlady Hi and keep up the great blogging!
    Hugs all the way from Georgia :)

  4. Hello Brownie,

    Tell Farmlady I enjoy all her stories and pictures. I really like her new header picture. Keep Farmlady and yes the rest of the goats in line, Brownie.

  5. When the goat asks nicely, another lurker ambles out of the hinterlands. You are a well spoken goat.

    Farmlady, thank you for stopping by my little nanosecond in the blogsphere. Now I'm going to go read some more goat stories.

    From another old goat...

    Helen G.

  6. Hi Brownie,
    You are looking awfully cute there. I can see you goats are as sensitive as us humans.

    You are good with the computer too. My dogs can't even do that, and they have daily access to the computer. Although come to think about it, this may explain why we keep receiving large shipments of dog treats...

  7. Wlll how about that? The first time I come over here I see a post about 'lurking.' So i'll have to come out now and say HELLO...I love your blog and am anxious to have a better look around. And by the way, Browine is pretty darn cute..take care...


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