Spring has returned. The Earth is like a child that knows poems. ~Rainer Maria Rilke

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Wordless Wednesday on Thursday night after three tries.

Autumn Sunset

Blogger did it again. I posted these photos last night and Blogger left all of it as a "draft" so it never showed up on my blog. This morning I tried to publish the post and I got this message that said I waited too long to publish. WHAT? Sometimes I feel like it's a blind study and someone is logging my response for some future book on "The frustrations of Blogging" . Why these things happen, I have no idea. When you ask them, they don't have an answer in "known issues" but they refer you to other people out there who have had the same problem...., AND NEVER GOT AN ANSWER. So I did the whole post again even though it's Thursday....,

..., and now the writing is centered as if I wanted to write a poem. So in honor of this "program", with a mind of it's own, I will include a poem, hoping that the photos will magically appear.

"Listen...With faint dry sound,
Like steps of passing ghosts,
The leaves, frost-crisp'd,
Break free from the tree
and fall."

~Adelaide Crapsey, 1878-1914, November Night~

...,and again Thursday night. Third time's a charm?
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  1. well you got them up and I guess that is what counts the most.

  2. lovely photos and it looks like third time IS the charm :)
    frustrating I know but I am glad you kept trying.
    Hugs Laura

  3. Wow, for being wordless, you sure used a lot of words. :-) :-)
    You're funny!
    (And I've had some VERY frustrating moments with Blogger, too!!!)
    Pretty pictures!

  4. I checked your blog again this morning and the pictures came up, they are great. Have a good day.


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